What is SwiCC?
SwiCC, the Switch Controller Controller, is a device that allows your computer to pretend to be a controller for the Nintendo Switch.
Having your computer pretend to be a controller allows you to do things like:
- Remap controller buttons or alter them in other ways (such as turbo).
- Automate tasks on the Switch (such as drawing comments in Mario Maker 2, or running macros of any length).
- Control multiple controllers at once (by using multiple SwiCCs that receive the same data).
- Let Twitch Chat or bots interact with the game.
And none of it requires modifying the Switch, because SwiCC just appears as a normal USB controller.
What is GLaMS?
GLaMS, the Gamepad Listen and Manipulate System, is the umbrella term for the software hosted on this website
This software supports SwiCC by making it easy to do most of the things listed above. The current tools are:
- The main GLaMS page (controller manipulation and forwarding to a SwiCC): GLaMS.html
- The comment-drawing system: comment_drawing.html (there are instructions for creating images for drawing: comment_instructions.html)
- The macroing system: macros.html
- The Twitch Chat system: chat_command.html
Important: This software requires a Chromium-based browser such as Chrome or Edge. These are currently the only browsers that support serial connections.
Getting a SwiCC
The SwiCC firmware and all supporting software is open source, so you can make your own and use it with the hosted software here (see above), your own copy of it, or your own software entirely.
However, if you'd like me to assemble one for you, I can do that, either directly or through eBay, for $36 for one or $48 for two. Contact me on discord (knflrpn) or send me an email (knflrpn@knflrpn.com). Note that the standard version is not capable of TAS playback, and I'm currently unable to assemble the additional hardware needed for that, but feel free to contact me if you're interested in putting it together yourself.
SwiCC source code and protocol description: https://github.com/knflrpn/SwiCC_RP2040
3D-printable SwiCC box: https://www.printables.com/model/408393-swicc-box
and a version that uses screws: https://www.printables.com/model/506196-swicc-screwed-box
This site source code: https://github.com/knflrpn/GLaMS